The Participating Booths list is out!
" This year we start off with paying a respect to our peer
Who had left us, drowned in her world
We don't fancy what happened
We pity the confusion
So instead, we pay tribute to her fashion style!
Such a precious lost.. "
DISCLAIMER: This has got nothing to do to insult the DEAD
We are just paying respect to her fashion sense
But of course, after all that sympathy and extra hyper hype.
We are still a bazaar!
So if you have things to sell: please bring your second hands, second books or anything recyclable, or say hello to new fashion, new stocks and new trends!
As long as it's cheap - we are pretty sure it will sell like hot cakes
You have approximately a month to gather round your stuff, new stocks and ex-preciouses!
Mail us at: threadszoo@gmail.com to fill up the form
We are still a bazaar!
So if you have things to sell: please bring your second hands, second books or anything recyclable, or say hello to new fashion, new stocks and new trends!
As long as it's cheap - we are pretty sure it will sell like hot cakes
You have approximately a month to gather round your stuff, new stocks and ex-preciouses!
Mail us at: threadszoo@gmail.com to fill up the form
*Limited to 50 spots only
I'm sorry, but what does this have to do with Daul Kim?
This is just wrong. It is very disrespectful to her.
"Love Daul Kim? Too bad she's dead. Here, buy this to show that you loved her."
Agree. This is very disrespectful!
VERY DISRESPECTFUL! Get that in your head!
What has sales got to do with Daul Kim?
Are you saying she's cheap?
A bad way to promote!
So if you buy, you're giving respect to her? This is what your ad is saying.
Hey guys, girls whoever!
Chill, did you miss a line?
Didn't we mention Tribute to her fashion style?
We respect her death, of course it's loss to the fashion world.Such a great star
Of course we are not starting a fund and use her to promote the bazaar.We did not even mention anything such as RM2 will be donated to Daul Kim's fund.Come on guys, don't be too shallow Malaysian will ya? Afterall we are not selling anything
With all the customs that we have been growing up with.It's an insult to talk or exploit the dead.Come on, where's your rationale!?
See, don't flick too high - or you might just land on the same boring spot.Expand your minds people
We all love her, of course we do
Where's your rationality?
First of all, you should have analyzed your poster and made it better because different people interpret adverts differently. Some are capable of analyzing ads well.
Second of all, the content:
"But of course, after all that sympathy and extra hyper hype.
We are still a bazaar!"
which means
"Love Daul Kim? Too bad she's dead. Here, buy this to show that you loved her."
What's more offensive was THAT tag-line.
Did you ever think of that?
After putting those words below the poster, don't you ever think that it sounds so unprofessional, rude plus inappropriate? It feels much more like an insult to the dead.
You should understand that different readers think differently. Don't take it as a criticism, try improving. If you get bad comments, try to understand why.
You should redo that line.
hey threadzoo,
is there any available booth?
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