Big Love from US! We would like to thank all of you who came to support, help, invite, talk, bought, ate, drank, nibbled, play and be merry at our picnic pit! not to mention the people behind all the preparations and the stress scenes. thank you tukang kipas, tukang jual, tukang kemas and tukang sabar =)
**A big Thank you to EnvyShah, for without the pit, there wouldn't have been a picnic pit
EnvyShah sunglazing at night
Maryam@Wegs gettin ready for a backflip in the pool
getting ocd on the grill
colors galore!
the lola and the bf
Vass family makin a debut!
Menu? where?
halfway through, people are getting crazier
we have this thing about wearing the same color when we stepped out
babynotfrumpy! and wc
**more pictures visit Threadszoo Group in Facebook